Welcome to the
Diocese of Phoenix Cursillo Movement
What is Cursillo?
For more info about living a Cursillo weekend, please contact the Parish Rep at the Parish where you are registered or email precursillo@phoenixcursillo.com.

What is Cursillo?
The Spanish word “Cursillo” means “short course.” The full title is “a short course in living what is fundamental for being a Christian,” but everyone simply calls it “Cursillo.” Even where Spanish is not spoken, the word “Cursillo” is never translated into English.
The immediate purpose of the Cursillo is to provide a foundation for the person to live what is fundamental for being Christian - experienced through the encounter with oneself, with Christ, and with others on the weekend. The ultimate purpose is to leaven the world with the Gospel. The Cursillo Movement is focused to help each of us grow in our relationship with Christ. The natural result of this will then compel us to fulfill our baptismal responsibility: to go forth, as apostles, and proclaim the good News that God in Christ loves us. We can no longer afford to sit passively by and "hope" that the world comes to know Christ. We must make a conscientious effort to "tell" the world about Christ.
The Cursillo Movement provides us with the method necessary for fulfilling our baptismal responsibility, along with the support for using the method. Cursillo is a witness of Christ offering His friendship. Everything that we are called to be in Cursillo is based on friendship.
EWTN Interviews Hoang Tran,
National Cursillo Service Administrator

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Diocese of Phoenix
Cursillo Weekends